Chinese bonecrunchers nailed

A Shanghai gang of nine who helped break each others' arms and then jumped off building sites to win compensation were jailed…

A Shanghai gang of nine who helped break each others' arms and then jumped off building sites to win compensation were jailed for extorting 100,000 yuan (€9,600) from their bosses.

Local media today reportd a Shanghai court had handed down three-year jail terms to the gang's ringleaders, surnamed Cheng and Yang, who helped seven men get jobs on construction sites around the city.

"Shortly after the men started work, Cheng and Yang visited them and fractured their arms with iron bars. The men then threw themselves off heights in the building site, pretending to have broken their arms in the fall," the Shanghai Dailysaid.

Cheng and Yang would pose as relatives of the injured men and demand compensation from site managers, claiming the fracture was the result of an industrial accident.


The gang extorted 100,000 yuan from seven bosses between October and January, the paper reported police saying.