Chirac blames UK for EU budget talks failure

French president Jacques Chirac has angrily condemned Britain's decision to reject the proposal by the European Union presidency…

French president Jacques Chirac has angrily condemned Britain's decision to reject the proposal by the European Union presidency to feeze its EU budget rebate.

EU leaders failed to reach an agreement on a new seven year budget yesterday.

"I deplore that the United Kingdom would not accept the compromise," Mr Chirac said.

Earlier, during the round table session, he denounced the refusal of the richer nations to make sacrifices for the less wealthy as "pathetic and tragic".


The budget talks broke down over the issue of Britain’s budget rebate, which refunds two-thirds of that country’s contribution to the EU funds each year, and the size of the Dutch contribution to the budget.

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder also strongly criticised Mr Blair, saying he deeply regretted that it had not been possible to get an agreement.

"A substantial effort has been made to overcome national egoism. Those responsible for failure bear heavy responsibility. If the UK and others were ready to lift their rejectionist attitude we could make progress," he said