Christmas bonus payment gets green light

The Christmas bonus payment for social welfare recipients is to be made this year, the Minister for Social and Family Affairs…

The Christmas bonus payment for social welfare recipients is to be made this year, the Minister for Social and Family Affairs Mary Hanafin confirmed today.

Some 1.3 million social welfare recipients and their dependants will benefit from the Christmas bonus double payment which is normally paid in the first week of December. It costs in excess of €200m.

The bonus is equivalent to 100 per cent of the normal weekly payment and means a double payment of entitlements for all who qualify. It will be the ninth year in a row in which the Government provided the Christmas bonus.

Eligible social welfare payments include the State pension; widow's and widower's pension; guardian's payment; invalidity pension; blind pension; deserted wife's benefit; carer's allowance and benefit; disability allowance; farm assist; long-term jobseeker's allowance and a number of other employment support payments. People on certain Fás, Vtos and community employment schemes also receive the double payment.

last week doubt was cast on the payment amid the deteriorating economic situation when Labour's Roisín Shortall called on the Minister for Social and Family Affairs Mary Hanafin to provide clarity on the issue.

"Even with the challenging budgetary situation, the payment of this additional money to social welfare customers is a clear sign that helping  those most in need of support remains the key priority for the Government," Ms Hanafin said today.

"We all recognise that there are significant pressures for families and individuals around Christmas time, and this funding will go some way towards meeting their needs."