Church group agrees on handling of abuse cases

The Catholic Church in Ireland has agreed to greater accountability in its handling of child sex abuse cases, it emerged tonight…

The Catholic Church in Ireland has agreed to greater accountability in its handling of child sex abuse cases, it emerged tonight.

An internal working group, which included experts on social policy, policing and victims, had disbanded last September over differences between it and the church. However, after renewed discussions, the church agreed to allow its child protection staff to have sole responsibility for reporting abuse allegations to the police and health authorities.

Individual bishops will be informed about the allegations but will not be allowed to veto any reporting.

The Catholic Church was dogged by allegations that its hierarchy protected paedophile priests by moving them from parish to parish instead of reporting them to the authorities.


Members of the working group, which was chaired by management consultant Ms Maureen Lynott, reached the agreement in a meeting with church representatives today.

"The meeting's objective was to resolve the outstanding issues, including those relating to structures, governance and accountability. This has now been achieved," said a spokesman for the Catholic Church. The final draft of the agreed policy is to be published in the near future.