Church of Ireland: Notes

Tomorrow is the feast of St Nicholas and in St Nicholas's collegiate church, Galway, there will be a patronal festival Eucharist…

Tomorrow is the feast of St Nicholas and in St Nicholas's collegiate church, Galway, there will be a patronal festival Eucharist.

The celebrant will be the rector of Galway, the Very Rev Patrick Towers, and the preacher the Bishop of Limerick, the Rt Rev Michael Mayes.

As part of the festival, the latest volume in the RCB library's parish register series will be launched. The Register of the Parish of St Nicholas, Galway, 1792-1840, has been edited by Brigid Clesham from Cong, an archivist from the department of manuscripts in the National Library.

The register contains 1,360 entries recording the lives of over 1,000 families including old Galway tribe and gentry families such as the Blakes, Lamberts and Brownes. It also reflects the cosmopolitan character of the city with entries for people from Trinidad, New England, Bordeaux, Stockholm and Britain etc.


The register may be ordered from bookshops or the Representative Church Body Library, Braemor Park, Churchtown, Dublin 14, at €12.50 (plus €1.95 p&p).

Today in Cork the annual sale in support of St Luke's Home, Castle Road, Mahon, will be held from 10 a.m.-3.30 p.m.

Tomorrow morning, the Archbishop of Dublin, as prebendary of Cualaun, will preach in St Patrick's cathedral, Dublin, where at 7.30 p.m., there will be an AIDS candlelight service of remembrance and hope. In Trinity College chapel, the preacher at the sung Eucharist will be the Bishop of Cashel and Ossory.

At evensong in St Anne's cathedral, Belfast, the Rev David McClay, rector of Willowfield, will be installed as canon while in Sligo cathedral, the Rev Liz McElhinney, rector of Calry, will be installed as prebendary of Tibohine.

In St Bartholomew's, Dublin, at 7 p.m., CREDO will give thanks for continued fellowship in the life of daily communal prayer with choral evensong led by the vicar, the Rev Michael Thompson.

On Monday in St Patrick's cathedral, Dublin, the Debt and Development Coalition (formerly Jubilee Ireland) will hold an Advent celebration. Canon Geoffrey Staton, team rector of Penkridge in the diocese of Lichfield, will speak at healing services in St George's church and St Anne's cathedral, Belfast, and St Finnian's church, Cregagh, on Tuesday.

On Wednesday the representative church body will meet in Church of Ireland House, Dublin. In the evening CMS Ireland will hold a carol service in St Philip's Church, Milltown, at which the preacher will be the chaplain of Trinity College Dublin, Dr Alan McCormack.