Citizenship poll has 'encouraged' racists

The Government's citizenship referendum "encouraged" those with racist tendencies, the former archbishop of Dublin, Dr Walton…

The Government's citizenship referendum "encouraged" those with racist tendencies, the former archbishop of Dublin, Dr Walton Empey, has said.

At an "all-nations" celebration in Galway yesterday, Dr Empey said the evident rise of racism was "truly a deadly cancer of the soul" and anathema to Christian teaching.

The fact that the only strangers now welcome here were "tourists with lots of money" was a "dreadful comment" on "the land of the Celtic Tiger and a hundred thousand welcomes".

Dr Empey joined seven African and two Irish pastors at the multi-denominational service hosted by Rev Patrick Towers of St Nicholas's Collegiate church.


Dr Empey said: "I cannot say that the Government intended the referendum to be racist in nature, but what I am sure of is that it encouraged those who had this tendency already."