Clegg defence case rejected

The prosecution case in the Belfast retrial of paratrooper Lee Clegg for the murder of Karen Reilly has ended with a description…

The prosecution case in the Belfast retrial of paratrooper Lee Clegg for the murder of Karen Reilly has ended with a description of his defence to the September 1990 shooting as bad "science fiction". A US criminologist and ballistics expert, Mr Luke Haag, rejected Pte Clegg's defence during re- examination by prosecuting lawyer Mr Reg Weir QC.

Mr Haag said: "I regard it as fanciful, as a fiction. There is a limit to confirming a reasonable hypothesis. This is not possible. I like good science fiction and this is not good science fiction." Mr Haag's comments came as he was asked about the defence case, or as Mr Weir put it, "the hole X shot theory", whereby the fatal bullet was fired through a window already broken in the stolen car in which Ms Reilly was a passenger.

The Belfast Crown Court trial has adjourned until Monday when it is expected the defence will argue that Pte Clegg has no case to answer on the prosecution evidence.