Clinton destroyed her life to save his job, says Monica

US: Monica Lewinsky says she feels betrayed by Bill Clinton's failure to acknowledge how he destroyed her life in his newly …

US: Monica Lewinsky says she feels betrayed by Bill Clinton's failure to acknowledge how he destroyed her life in his newly released memoirs.

In an interview with ITV, the former White House intern says she was disappointed at how their relationship is addressed.

"I really didn't expect him to talk in detail about the relationship. But what I was hoping, and did expect, was for him to acknowledge and correct the inaccurate and false statements that he, his staff and the (Democratic National Committee) made about me when they were trying to protect the presidency," she said.

In response to Mr Clinton's recent remark to the US news programme, 60 Minutes, that he had the affair "for the worst possible reason - because I could", Ms Lewinsky said she "was really upset" when she first heard it.


"I have spent the past several years working so hard to just move on, and to try and build a life for myself," Ms Lewinsky (30) said. She has been a spokeswoman for diet company Jenny Craig and host of the reality TV show, Mr Personality.

Ms Lewinsky, who told her own account of the affair in the 1999 book, Monica's Story, said she reluctantly spoke out about Mr Clinton's tome, My Life, because he tried to rewrite history. "He says he was proud of the way that he defended the presidency, at my expense," she said.

"In the process he destroyed me, and that was the way he was going to have to do that, to get through impeachment," she added. "I was a young girl and to hear him saying some of the things he was saying today - it's a shame." Ms Lewinsky insists she had a relationship with Mr Clinton.