Clintons earn $109m since 2000

Hillary and Bill Clinton have made $109 million since leaving the White House, including $51 million in speech income for Bill…

Hillary and Bill Clinton have made $109 million since leaving the White House, including $51 million in speech income for Bill Clinton, according to eight years of tax records released today.

The couple paid taxes of more than $33 million and gave more than $10 million to charity between 2000 - their last year in the White House - and 2007, tax information released by Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign showed.

Clinton, a New York senator, had been challenged by White House rival Barack Obama to release her tax returns as the two Democrats duel for the right to face Republican John McCain in November's election.

Obama made public his returns from 2000 to 2006 last week, renewing their battle over transparency. Campaign aides to Obama, an Illinois senator, have accused Clinton of being secretive and shielding documents from the public.

Presidential candidates often release their tax returns, although they are not required to do so.

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