Closer monitoring of fund demanded

The Commission must improve its monitoring of how the International Fund for Ireland spends EU money, according to a Dublin Labour…

The Commission must improve its monitoring of how the International Fund for Ireland spends EU money, according to a Dublin Labour MEP. "This is a key demand of ordinary people and is something that the European Parliament must insist on," Ms Bernie Malone said. It was relatively easy for her, as an Irish MEP, to find out about IFI-supported projects and she accepted that it was more difficult for MEPs from other countries.

Europe was the main contributor to the IFI, providing almost half its annual budget, Ms Malone said. "As the IFI itself acknowledges, the EU's contribution represents a major international recognition of the efforts by both the Irish and British governments to seek a peaceful solution to the Northern conflict," she added.

Initially, a greater proportion of the funding went to nationalist communities, giving rise to criticism, she said. "I earnestly believe that the IFI has now addressed this criticism. It must continue to treat, and be seen to treat, all sides fairly," said Ms Malone.

Mr Pat "the Cope" Gallagher, a Connacht-Ulster FF MEP, said that now more than ever the EU had a key role in supporting the peace process, and the IFI was playing a vital role. The work of peace was slow and most of it would be conducted behind the scenes, bringing communities together in a spirit of openness and friendship after generations of conflict and suspicion. "This work will take time, but it is vital if we are to heal the scars of the past," he added.