Co Clare manslaughter acquittal

A manslaughter trial at Ennis Circuit Court in Co Clare ended yesterday when Mrs Anne Ball (44), of Waterpark Heights, Ennis, …

A manslaughter trial at Ennis Circuit Court in Co Clare ended yesterday when Mrs Anne Ball (44), of Waterpark Heights, Ennis, was acquitted of the charge of manslaughter of Mr Robert Malone (27), at Pearse Avenue, Ennis, on June 12th last.

On the second day of the trial, Judge Kevin Haugh directed the jury to deliver a not-guilty verdict. He had ruled in favour of an application made by Mr Peter Charleton SC on behalf of the defendant that there was no evidence on which the jury could properly find a guilty verdict.

In his ruling, Judge Haugh said: "I am not satisfied that the possession of the knife by Mrs Ball in the circumstances which have been established by evidence in this case is tantamount to possessing the knife in unlawful or criminal circumstances.

"Again all the evidence is that she came by the knife as a peacemaker. There is no evidence that she ever brandished it; no evidence that she ever sought to attack or repel or to threaten the deceased with the particular knife. I am not satisfied that there is evidence she possessed the knife with the purpose of injuring or threatening him."