Coalition to agree abortion poll date

The two Coalition parties are set to agree a date for the abortion referendum this week but serious differences remain on whether…

The two Coalition parties are set to agree a date for the abortion referendum this week but serious differences remain on whether to build a national stadium.

The Taoiseach and the Tánaiste are likely to agree a referendum date when they meet on Wednesday before the weekly Cabinet meeting. The poll is most likely to take place in the first half of March, possibly March 7th.

However, the PDs have cast doubt on the prospect of agreement on the national stadium with a spokesman again highlighting the party's concerns over its cost. Ms Harney yesterday called for the publication of the independent consultant's report on the matter, which the party believes adds credibility to its concerns.

Ms Harney will meet her party's TDs and senators to discuss the referendum ahead of Wednesday's meeting with Mr Ahern. Senior party sources say they accept his need to fulfil his commitment to hold a referendum and are unlikely to stand in his way, despite Saturday's Irish Times/MRBI opinion poll showing the outcome of a referendum to be in doubt.


A PD spokesman said yesterday that the consultants' report raised serious concerns about the scope of the Abbotstown project and Ms Harney's priority was to have it published. Party sources said the report supported party concerns about the project's structure, cost and delivery. Mr Ahern and Ms Harney are expected to discuss the issue in about a fortnight.

A compromise proposal being floated is for a smaller stadium than the original 80,000-seater and a decision to postpone other elements of the sports campus. However there is no indication that the PDs will agree to this.