College killer was 'very serious, calm'

Details of the university shootings in Virginia yesterday have begun to emerge with reports that the killer was armed with two…

Details of the university shootings in Virginia yesterday have begun to emerge with reports that the killer was armed with two handguns.

A number of students at Virginia Tech University were injured jumping from buildings as they fled the gunman, and in other incident the killer was said to have fired through a door barricaded by students.

Trey Perkins, who was in a German class in Norris Hall, told the Washington Postthe gunman barged into the room at about 9.50am. He opened fire for around a minute and a half.

He said the gunman shot the professor in the head before firing at students. Mr Perkins said the gunman was about 19 and had a "very serious but very calm look on his face".


Erin Sheehan, who was in the same class said the gunman had "peeked in twice" like he was looking for somebody, before he started shooting.

She described the gunman as "just a normal-looking kid, Asian, but he had on a Boy Scout-type outfit. He wore a tan button-up vest, and this black vest".

Charles Steger president of the university based in Blacksburg, Virginia, said police were forced to break through doors that had been chained shut from the inside.