College removes atheism statements

HIBERNIA COLLEGE, the online teacher-training institution, has removed slides from its religion module for primary teachers at…

HIBERNIA COLLEGE, the online teacher-training institution, has removed slides from its religion module for primary teachers at the request of Atheist Ireland.

Dr Nicholas Breakwell, vice-president for academic affairs and knowledge management, said yesterday that “some offending slides identified by Atheist Ireland have been removed pending the annual review process” to which all courses at the college are subject.

He also said Atheist Ireland had been asked to prepare a module for the college “on atheism, what it believes and does not”.

Last Friday Atheist Ireland’s Michael Nugent and Jane Donnelly met Dr Breakwell and Dr Siobhán Cahillane-McGovern of Hibernia College to discuss their concerns about the description of atheism in the religion module.


Prepared by retired professor of moral theology at Maynooth Fr Vincent Twomey, the module contained “untrue statements about atheism and at least two defamatory allegations”, Mr Nugent said.

According to the module: “Atheism seems to be fashionable in Ireland at present. It is seen as rational, progressive and compassionate. But above all, it is ‘in’, not to mention convenient since, as Dostoevsky said in 19th century Russia, where it was likewise ‘in’, that if there is no God then anything can be justified.”

It stated: "What bothers very few of its latter-day exponents is the fact that atheist humanism produced the worst horrors history has ever witnessed, namely Nazism, fascism and Marxism, the latter alone responsible for some 100 million lives, according to The Black Bookwritten by French ex-Marxists. Atheism is not a benign force in history."

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times