Colombian accused of burglary remanded in custody in Dublin

A Colombian man accused of burglary from a Dublin hotel and of using stolen credit cards to make a series of lavish purchases…

A Colombian man accused of burglary from a Dublin hotel and of using stolen credit cards to make a series of lavish purchases was remanded in custody at Dublin District Court yesterday.

The court heard evidence from Garda Bryan McGlinn of the arrest, charge and caution of Alejandro Cuenca, of no fixed abode, at Harcourt Terrace Garda station on Thursday.

Garda McGlinn objected to the court granting bail because gardaí suspected Mr Cuenca had given them a false identity.

He said gardaí believed the man's real name was Juan Carlos Guzman Betancourt, who had a number of outstanding warrants for his arrest in other jurisdictions.


Mr Guzman Betancourt had also absconded from custody in another jurisdiction, said Garda McGlinn.

He added that when gardaí put it to the defendant that he was not who he said he was, the man refused to co-operate any further with them.

The court heard it was also discovered that the defendant was in possession of a number of passports believed to be false.

Garda McGlinn applied further for him to be remanded in custody due to the seriousness of the alleged crimes and the danger that he could abscond.

The defendant, who claims to be 25, is charged with burglary and three counts of using a stolen credit card for purchases in Dublin on June 16th.

Appearing before Judge Bryan Smith, the defendant told the court he spoke English and that he did not yet have a solicitor representing him.

The court appointed Yvonne Bambury to represent him and, after an adjournment to take instructions, Ms Bambury told the court she had no objection to her client being remanded in custody.

Wearing a blue T-shirt with the word Colombia printed across the chest, beige trousers and spectacles, the defendant stood expressionless throughout the brief hearing.

Judge Smith remanded him in custody until July 1st in Clover Hill District Court at 10.30am.