Colourfest for Gay Pride parade

An explosion of colour lit up the centre of Dublin on Saturday for the Gay Pride parade

An explosion of colour lit up the centre of Dublin on Saturday for the Gay Pride parade. Grand marshal Senator David Norris led the way as dancers, performers and a 500ft six-colour rainbow flag wended their way down O'Connell Street and Dame Street to the Civic Offices.

The parade was the culmination of the gay pride festival over a two-week period which the organisers said celebrated the diversity and richness of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gender communities across Ireland.

Public issues such as civil partnership rights, anti-gay hate crimes and homophobic bullying in schools were also discussed.

The timing of the parade in Dublin marks the anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York, a significant turning point in the history of gay rights.


Later on Saturday the participants in the parade moved on to a party hosted by Miss Panti Bliss, and other familiar faces in the gay world going by such names as Shirley Temple Bar, alternative Miss Ireland winner Joanna Ryde and Stellar Sound.