Comedian awarded substantial damages

Comedian Patrick Kielty has been awarded substantial libel damages in Belfast High Court over a newspaper report about his behaviour…

Comedian Patrick Kielty has been awarded substantial libel damages in Belfast High Court over a newspaper report about his behaviour outside a Dublin bar.

He was in court yesterday to hear an apology on behalf of the Daily Star. He was awarded an undisclosed sum over the November article. It focused on an alleged incident outside the Dublin bar concerning his dress code and conduct.

Solicitors representing Express Newspapers, publishers of the Daily Star, said they now accepted Mr Kielty's assurance that no such incident occurred and the report was incorrect.

The newspaper group apologised to him and his partner, former Big Breakfast host Amanda Bryam, for "any embarrassment caused" to them and agreed to pay damages and legal costs.


Mr Kielty said: "I came here to get my name cleared and the apology read in court was more important to me than the substantial damages I have been awarded."

The newspaper article alleged Mr Kielty had behaved in a threatening, arrogant, abusive and childish manner and was hypocritical.

"The so-called incident never happened," said the BBC Northern Ireland chat-show host. "A normal night out was manipulated to publicise someone's bar and went completely over the lines of celebrity reporting."