Comedian says he does not use drugs

The Irish comedian Ardal O'Hanlon has issued a statement stressing that he does not use the drug ecstasy, "nor would I recommend…

The Irish comedian Ardal O'Hanlon has issued a statement stressing that he does not use the drug ecstasy, "nor would I recommend that others should do so, especially kids".

Mr O'Hanlon, who plays Father Dougal in the television programme, Father Ted, explained that in an interview with the UK magazine, New Woman, he made a "flippant, throwaway remark" which was not intended to be taken seriously, and neither the interviewing journalist nor the magazine took it seriously.

"The tone of the interview, which included questions relating to my favourite Simpsons character, was given tongue-in-cheek fashion and in no way reflected my personal views on the use of ecstasy or any other drugs. I would like to take this opportunity to discourage kids in the strongest possible way from experimenting with or using drugs. I would like to apologise for any upset or confusion which this interview may have caused."