Commitment on carbon tax is Green flagship while FF essentials dominate

Key policy areas: Commitments on carbon taxes, greenhouse gas reductions, private hospitals and roads are among more that 800…

Key policy areas:Commitments on carbon taxes, greenhouse gas reductions, private hospitals and roads are among more that 800 separate pledges and promises contained in the draft programme for government.

Environment, transport, energy and the economy are among 29 separate sections in the 83-page document, which was finally published yesterday evening.

The final draft of the document, agreed on Tuesday night, was first given to Green Party members and Fianna Fáil TDs at lunchtime.

Limited numbers of photocopies of the final draft, with "confidential" emblazoned across its cover, were given to the media shortly after 5pm.


As indicated by the Greens and Fianna Fáil, the document contains key commitments on the introduction of a carbon tax, annual greenhouse gas reductions, and the reform of local government with directly elected mayors.

Additional funding of €350 million for education has also been promised.

Fianna Fáil plans for the abolition of stamp duty, reform of PRSI and reductions in tax rates are all included in the final document, as expected. Decentralisation policy will remain unchanged.

The full implementation of the national roads programme, including an outer orbital route for Dublin, is also included in the document.

The co-location of private hospitals on public lands is explicitly mentioned, while there is also reference to Government permission for the continued use of Shannon for US troops while they are on a UN mandate, as is currently the case in Iraq.

A commitment which received little attention was the early introduction of legislation legalising civil partnerships. Waste

Mechanical and biological disposal methods will be introduced. There will be no taxation incentives and waste-stream guarantees for incineration, while landfills, currently provided for under regional waste management plans, should be the last to be constructed for a generation.


Local group water schemes will be upgraded to match the highest drinking water standards, and a scheme will be introduced to support the replacement and upgrading of septic tanks older than 15 years with newer systems.

Research and development and communications

There is a commitment to invest over €8.2 billion in science, technology and innovation to transform the type of research and development taking place in the enterprise sector.

The government will work with the various broadcasting organisations to review rules relating to junk food advertising, aimed at young people, with a view to phasing it out. It will ensure that RTÉ supports broadcasting to the Irish community abroad.

The detailed proposals in the 83-page document Programme for government

Arts and sports

Sponsorship of sporting events by the alcohol industry will be addressed with the aim of phasing it out. Physical education will be made mandatory at second-level and a revised PE curriculum for senior-cycle students will be put in place.


A target will be set to convert a minimum of 5 per cent acreage to organic farmland by 2012.

There will be negotiations on the establishment of an all-Ireland GM-free zone, while more direct selling from farmer to customer will be encouraged by promoting a national network of farmers' markets.

Animal welfare

A comprehensive animal welfare Bill, updating existing legislation to ensure that the welfare of animals is properly protected, with significantly increased penalties for offenders, will be introduced.

A Green Paper on animal welfare in sport and recreation will be introduced.


The rural transport initiative will be enhanced and extended throughout the State, while park-and-ride services will be provided in appropriate locations.

Rural countryside recreation will be promoted, and a new plan for farm-based rural tourism will be devised. The government will pursue the possibility of using the former railway infrastructure as recreational trails.

Asylum, immigration and integration

Advice and assistance is to be provided in appropriate languages at ports of entry and legal aid will be introduced for immigration cases.


Two cocaine treatment centres are to be opened and extra detox beds provided.

The recommendations of the Barr and Morris tribunals will be acted on.

Development aid

The annual budget statement will contain a reference to how development aid targets are being reached and will be reached in future years.


A second White Paper on Defence, covering the period 2011-2020, will be prepared.


A €100 million grant package for retro-fitting homes with insulation

Expansion of social and affordable housing to meet the needs of 90,000 householders.

No rezoning of land for residential development without prior guarantees of appropriate land set aside for educational and community facilities.

Legislation to implement all-party committee on property rights, which would limit the super-profits speculators can make on rezoned land.

Legislation to govern management companies.


Implement fully UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Implement fully the Children's Act.

Increase maternity leave by five weeks and examine possibility of shared parental leave and introduction of paid paternity benefit.

Social welfare

Integrate the tax and social welfare systems to allow for more efficient sharing of information and money transfers.

Ensure a national carers strategy to be implemented by end of 2007.


At least half of the national disability strategy is to be implemented by 2010, while the feasibility of introducing a cost of disability payment will be examined.

All public transport will be accessible and cities will have 100 per cent wheelchair accessible taxi fleets.

Climate Change

An all party-approach to tackling climate change.

A target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Ireland by 3 per cent annually.

A carbon tax of unspecified size to be introduced during the lifetime of the Government, which will also be "revenue neutral".

Minister for Finance to produce an annual carbon report or "carbon budget" alongside the annual budget, setting out how the Government will meet annual reduction targets.

An annual report by the Department of the Environment setting out progress on meeting Kyoto commitments.

Establish a climate change commission

Carbon offsetting for all ministerial and official air travel


Income thresholds for medical cards will be indexed to increases in the average industrial wage

There will be a doubling of the income limit eligibility for parents of children under six years and a trebling for parents of children with an intellectual disability under 18 years.

Primary health centres will be developed in socially deprived areas.

A fund will be put in place for the provision of a network of youth cafes throughout the State, while the HSE will be mandated to publish a comprehensive report on the flouridation of water.

There will be a greater regulation of complementary health, and a clear standards on hospital-acquired infections will be enforced.

Greater equality in access and care between private and public patients in healthcare system.


"Dramatically" accelerate growth of renewable energy sources, with one-third of electricity to be from renewable energy by 2020.

New price-support scheme to support investment in wave and tidal power research.

Regulations requiring new homes to be 40 per cent more energy efficient, with a long-term target of 60 per cent.

Introduction of "net" and smart metering to allow homes and businesses to buy greenest and cheapest electricity and to sell electricity back if they have their own renewable sources.


Establishment of a national transport regulator following a Dublin Transport Authority.

Reform of bus licensing to provide a "level playing field" for all operators, including private firms.

Completion of five interurban motorways, Atlantic road corridor and other high quality road corridors between Dublin and large towns across the country

Planning for an outer orbital road for Dublin.

Development of Transport 21 public transport projects including metro, the interconnector, an expanded Luas, and the opening of rail lines to Midleton and Navan.

Feasibility studies for Luas lines in Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford.


Landfill levy to remain unaltered in order to prevent giving a competitive advantage to incineration. Mechanical biological treatment facilities to be promoted as alternatives to incineration and landfills.

A review of the EPA's role, procedures and legislation.

Implement the Arhus convention guaranteeing access to environmental information.

Review of levels of fines and sentences that can be imposed by lower courts in pollution cases. Legislation on noise pollution.

Establishment of a Dublin Bay taskforce on the future of the bay.

Introduce a national landscape strategy.

Environmental organisations to become social partners.


An additional €350 million will be provided annually on new service developments.

Children with special needs will have the right to an individual education plan, while those suffering from autism will benefit from a range of teaching approaches.

The number of adult literacy training places will be expanded by 4,000.

Electoral Reform

An independent electoral commission will be established. It will have responsibility for the compilation of a new national rolling electoral register and will take over the functions of the Standards in Public Office Commission relating to electoral expenditure as well as examining the issue of the financing of the political system.

Local government reform

A Green Paper on local government will be published within six months.

Lord Mayor of Dublin will be directly elected by the people by 2011.


Government policy to allow Shannon stopover for US military flights to Iraq unchanged on the basis that the US presence in Iraq currently has UN mandate. Military use of Shannon for operations that do not have a UN sanction will be opposed.

Encourage and support gardaí to implement national laws outlawing extraordinary rendition.

Taxation policy

Changes in VAT in relation to environmental goods and services to be examined.

Abolition of stamp duty and increase in mortgage interest relief for first-time buyers.

PRSI ceiling to be abolished and rate reduced to 2 per cent over lifetime of administration.

Reduction of standard income tax rate to 18 per cent and higher rate to 40 per cent, subject to resources.