Compensation offer refused

A compensation offer of £1,000 by a 19-year-old man who admitted sexually assaulting his four-year-old niece was refused in Roscrea…

A compensation offer of £1,000 by a 19-year-old man who admitted sexually assaulting his four-year-old niece was refused in Roscrea District Court, Co Tipperary, yesterday.

The defendant, who cannot be named, has admitted assaulting the girl between March 31st and July 31st, 1996, when he was aged 17.

After reading a probation report and a victim impact report, Judge Mary Martin said she would be insisting the defendant pay the costs of the assessments. She also ordered that he make himself available to Dr Art O'Connor, psychiatrist at the Central Mental Hospital.

When Judge Martin said that a substantial offer of compensation would have to be made, Mr Michael Ryan, defending solicitor, said he had £1,000 cash in court.


"It won't be accepted. Given the serious nature of the offence it will have to be more than that," said the judge.

She remanded the defendant on continuing bail to appear before her again on September 23rd for a progress report.