Concern over painkiller after US trial results

The Irish Medicines Board (IMB) has said patients taking the drug Celecoxib should contact their GP if they are concerned by …

The Irish Medicines Board (IMB) has said patients taking the drug Celecoxib should contact their GP if they are concerned by the outcome of a recent trial in the United States.

The drug's manufacturer, Pfizer, has issued information that indicates a higher risk of heart attacks associated with the anti-inflammatory and painkiller.

The rival pharmaceutical company Merck, was forced to withdraw drug Vioxx, a similar type to Celeboxib, in September this year because of increased heart attack risk. The drug is known as Celebrex in the United States.

Pfizer said that a US government trial had indicated a sharp rise in heart attacks for patients using Celecoxib but that it would not immediately withdraw the treatment.


A separate trial sponsored by Pfizer does not appear to confirm this risk. This trial was conducted in Ireland and the information is being passed on to investigators and patients.

Celecoxib, and other drugs of the same type, are widely used in to treat the pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and in the management of acute pain.

The US Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has recommended that all patients who are taking this drug make an appointment with their doctor.