Confidence motions: full texts

The following is the Government motion of confidence in the Taoiseach:

The following is the Government motion of confidence in the Taoiseach:

That Dáil Éireann: - affirms confidence in the Taoiseach and the Government; - recognises the enormous contribution made by An Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, TD, to Irish public life, including his many achievements in:

- patient and skilful leadership of the peace process, which has resulted in a restoration of democratic institutions in Northern Ireland and a new era in North/South and Anglo-Irish relations;

- implementing a policy framework which has produced sustained strong economic and employment growth which is the envy of Europe and has laid the foundations for continuing prosperity into future generations;


- sustaining and renewing the vital social partnership model, including the negotiation of a 10-year Framework Agreement to deepen stability and confidence;

- providing record increases in investment in infrastructure and vital public services while providing prudently for future needs within a sustainable fiscal framework;

- ensuring Ireland's interests are protected and that we play a leadership role in the evolution of Europe through his strong record of achievement as a senior member of the European Council;

- prioritising climate change and securing a sustainable energy future for the country by working with partners in Government to reach our key environmental targets; and

- renewing policies and institutions to cater for the needs of a new and more diverse Ireland while affirming and supporting the values and structures which are at the heart of community life through his support for the cultural, sporting and religious and community organisations that make up civil society;

- recalls that the Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments was established by resolution of Dáil Éireann and appointed by Instrument of the Minister for the Environment and Local Government on 4th November 1997;

- affirms its confidence in the Mahon tribunal;

- understands that the Quarryvale module of the tribunal has not run its course and that a substantial number of witnesses are still scheduled to give evidence;

- believes that members of the Oireachtas should not seek to predetermine the tribunal's report on the matters which it has asked the tribunal to investigate;

- maintains that it is the role of the members of the tribunal to make an objective assessment of the completed evidence and to make findings if necessary;

- commends the Government for refusing to be distracted from its agenda of taking Ireland forward with positive and inclusive policies;

- reaffirms that the Programme for Government is a five-year programme and that the parties in Government will do their utmost to honour these commitments; and

- rejects the politically opportunistic motion of no confidence put forward by the Fine Gael party.

The following is the Fine Gael motion of no confidence in the Taoiseach put before the House on Wednesday: "That Dáil Éireann has no confidence in An Taoiseach Bertie Ahern."