Connemara Garda station damaged in suspected arson attack

A Garda station in Connemara in Co Galway was badly damaged in a fire last night.

A Garda station in Connemara in Co Galway was badly damaged in a fire last night.

It is the second suspected arson attack on a Garda station in a week.

The fire at Carna Garda Station broke out at around 10.20pm. Units of Clifden fire brigade attended the scene and brought the fire under control.

A Garda spokesman said the building had suffered extensive smoke damage and a number of uniforms and lockers were damaged in the blaze and extensive smoke damage was caused to equipment.


A window at the station had been broken but the spokesman was unable to say whether this was connected to the fire. The scene has been preserved for technical examination.

No arrests have been made.

Blarney Garda Station in Co Cork was extensively damage in a suspected petrol bomb attack last Friday.