Connolly Station security alert ends

Two platforms in Dublin's Connolly train station were closed this afternoon as the army bomb disposal unit rendered safe a viable…

Gardai have re-opened Preston Street following the discovery of a suspect device this afternoon.

Two platforms in Dublin's Connolly train station were closed this afternoon as the army bomb disposal unit rendered safe a viable improvised explosive device outside a private residence on a nearby street.

The team was deployed to Preston Street in response to a request from gardaí after a suspect device was found outside the residence.

The team arrived on scene at 3.20pm and a cordon and traffic restrictions were put in place "for public safety", said a spokesman for the defence forces. The rail lines that are in the vicinity of the find were also shut down "as a precaution".

The suspect device was rendered safe in situ without the need for a controlled explosion and was then moved to a secure military location for further technical examination and testing.


The scene was declared safe at 4pm.

The device was confirmed as a viable improvised explosive device following further testing and its component parts will be handed over to gardaí to assist in their investigation into the incident.

Preston Street was later re-opened, as were platforms six and seven of Connolly station. The disruption caused delays of up to 10 minutes to services during the evening rush hour.