Pricewatch: Solutions to snoring

We check out four methods for quieter slumber and compare quality and price

Breathe Right: translucent and almost possible not see in the dimness of a darkened bedroom

Breathe Right Nasal Strips, €7.85 for 10

Is there anything that can actually stop someone snoring is a question that has plagued mankind since Eve first gave Adam a dig in the ribs as he slept and snored under the stars in the Garden of Eden all those years ago. Probably not is, sadly, the answer but these strips make a decent stab at it. They are translucent and almost possible not see in the dimness of a darkened bedroom. And if they’re put on just right, they do seem to open the airways of the nasal passage which makes snoring less likely. On the downside, you have a large synthetic adhesive strip attached to your nose which is rarely a good look – translucence or no translucence – and the skin stickiness is not pleasant and we can’t imagine it can be good for the pores. But it does seem to work and we could at least understand the physiological impact it was having, which meant it was less of a leap of faith into the dark then some of the other treatments on the market. The strips are not cheap and if you were committed to using them you could handily spend €400 a year on them.

Verdict: Sticky but solid

Star rating: * * * *

Snoreeze: Small rectangular strip of plastic-like material that you have to attach to the roof of your mouth

Snoreeze Oral Strips, €7.85 for 14

You get a small rectangular strip of plastic-like material that you have to attach to the roof of your mouth, after which it dissolves. Magically your snoring and will stop for eight hours as the strips lubricate the soft tissues at the back of the throat. At least that is the theory. Our – admittedly entirely unscientific – testing had mixed results. On some nights the strips appeared to work and on others not. Attaching the strips to the roof of your mouth without gagging is not as easy as it sounds and by our reckoning there has to be better ways to end the day than this.

Verdict: Troublesome

Star rating: * *

Sleepeaze: wins in the easy application stakes – four sprays, wait 20 seconds and you are good to go

Boots Sleepeaze Snoring Throat Spray, €6.49 for 14ml

You can buy a 23ml container of the Snoreeze version of this throat spray for €18.99 or 14ml of the Boots own-brand option for €6.49 which makes the latter a whole lot cheaper. It wins in the easy application stakes – four sprays, wait 20 seconds and you are good to go. As with the strips, its efficacy was questionable but it seemed to work some of the time and if you have an issue with a snorer in your bed – particularly a light enough one – at least you can say you are trying something without making any class of substantial investment.

Verdict: Pocket and user-friendly

Star rating: * * * *

Good Night Snore Ring: just put it on an hour before bed for sleep with no interruptions

Good Night Snoring Ring, €38.99

On the surface, this is definitely the best option. You just put on the ring an hour before bed and then when you drift off to sleep there will be no interruptions. Or at least that is how the theory goes. While the initial outlay is pretty steep, it is a one-time only deal and unlike all the other options there is no further investment required. It uses – so we are told – ancient Chinese acupuncture techniques to reduce or eliminate snoring. We were dubious before and after we used it. However the manufacturers have a money-back guarantee and they say that if you use it for 21 consecutive days and don’t notice any difference they will give you your money back. We’ve not tested the money-back guarantee but we do like the sound of it which is not what we can say abut snoring.

Verdict: If it works long term, it's brilliant

Star rating: * * * * *