The 3G iPhone : I have been waiting for the 3G iPhone for a long time and was delighted to see it confirmed on Monday.

The 3G iPhone: I have been waiting for the 3G iPhone for a long time and was delighted to see it confirmed on Monday.

It's a pity that O2 Ireland are squeezing it for every cent, especially on the downloading, as the internet connection is where the iPhone pitched. O2 UK give unlimited downloads, more minutes, more texts, cheaper to buy and support for visual voicemail. It is a blatant rip-off, it's not just about higher costs in the Republic, it's about making higher profits. Will it be cheaper to buy in Newry and roam in the Republic? Is there an all-island tariff available ex NI? John Roberts

Radiohead's Dublin concerts

I think some of the apathy is the result of the In Rainbowsmarketing. A big hoo-haw about the internet-only release, subsequent glowing reviews by journalists who listened to the album once (and really should know better), but at the end of the day, the album created about as much word-of-mouth excitement as the launch of a new line of disposable razor blades. Die-hard fans may be still loyal to seeing the band live, but I doubt they've won any new listeners since Kid A. Vandala


Funny - reading the above you would think Radiohead were a failure by releasing an album in a new way, getting good reviews from critics and fans, selling out one night and close to another in a 20,000-capacity venue in a city they themselves recognise is flooded with quality music and shows. Odd indeed. Lots of shows that are also not selling or being pulled are not worth a mention - some venues even giving away tickets to keep the bar afloat - now that's worth talking about. Cormac Jack