Proceedings against protesters at Greyhound plant adjourned

Workers picketing at Clondalkin waste disposal company since June

Greyhound workers and their families and supporters demanding that the City Council use all its powers to bring to an end the 11-week-old dispute at the waste disposal company. Photograph: Gareth Chaney Collins/Collins

Contempt proceedings against a number of people involved in a protest with Greyhound recycling have been adjourned.

Greyhound claims there have been a number of breaches of the injunction it obtained restraining protesters from blockading and interfering with the company’s waste collection.

The company and its workers are currently involved in an industrial dispute concerning the refusal by some of its workers to accept pay cuts.

Workers, as well as their families and supporters, have been picketing the Greyhound recycling and recovery plant in Clondalkin since June.


Last month Greyhound obtained orders against those involved in the picket.

The orders restrain various parties including a number of its employees, SIPTU which represents a number of the company’s employees and any member of the public who has notice of it having been made by the court from engaging in unlawful picketing.

A number of politicians, who the company had claimed were involved in a campaign to impede waste collection throughout the city, Joan Collins TD, Cllrs Tina McVeigh, Pat Dunne and Gino Kenny, were joined as notice parties to the proceedings.

The High Court granted the Greyhound Recycling and Recovery permission on Wednesday evening to seek the attachment and the possible committal to prison of a number of parties for being in breach of court orders.

Ms Justice Marie Baker agreed today at the High Court to adjourn the matter till next Tuesday.

Barrister Louis McEntagart SC for Greyhound said the matter can go back to allow the respondents reply to the claims they are in contempt of court.

A solicitor for some of those allegedly in contempt said they would reply to the claims in a sworn statement by Monday.

Greyhound launched the contempt proceedings because they say there had been several incidents that amount to a breach of the injunction.

It claims these unlawful actions has resulted in 15,000 bins remaining uncollected, which the company claims is “a clear health hazard.”

On Tuesday the company claimed a waste collection lorry could not enter its premises at Crag Avenue in Clondalkin. This was because the entrance was blocked by picketers.

Copies of the court order were served by an employee of Greyhound on the protesters.That particular employee was harassed, intimidated, called a scab, and had the copies thrown back at him.

A sign displaying an enlarged copy of the High Court order was placed outside the premises at Crag Avenue.

On Wednesday morning trucks were blockaded and could not enter or leave Crag Avenue.

It is also alleged that late last month, after the order was secured, protesters interfered with and impeded Greyhound employees from accessing the company’s premises at Crag Avenue.

The company claims those who have breached the orders are now in contempt of court.