Value for Money

Takeaway coffee



This is the cheapest of the four takeaway coffees, but it still costs more than you might expect. While McDonald's has invested heavily in its McCafe brand, it hasn't tackled the French fries and burger odours that, mingled with the fresh-ground coffee, create a not entirely pleasant atmosphere as we queue. The coffee, while not brilliant, is better than you might imagine. It isn't too strong and lacks the sharpness of some of its rivals – although that is not necessarily to its credit.

Verdict: Liking but not loving it.
Star rating: ***

BEWLEY'S €2.50

Bewley's has had its ups and downs in recent years, but it remains a brand that is synonymous with Dublin: its cafe on Grafton Street is an integral part of the social fabric of the city. The atmosphere is warm, welcoming and friendly, and the only thing the staff try to upsell us is a loyalty card. We like the coffee, and it represents good value for money. Most people base their coffee-buying decisions on location, and unless the capital's main shopping street is on your way to or from work, this is probably not going to be the option for you, but it is always worth popping in if you're nearby.


Verdict: Good value and familiar.
Star rating: ****

Conor Pope puts three high-street takeout coffees to the test - Mc Donald's, Insomnia, Bewleys and Starbucks are in the gulp challenge. Video: Niamh Guckian


This is the dearest of the four coffees, and we can’t escape the notion that we are paying over the odds for the “magic” of the brand rather than the quality of the coffee. It is very bitter, and while some people like that – a lot of people, it would seem – it isn’t to our tastes. The staff are lovely – well, except maybe the one who wanted us to stop filming our review on the public street outside one of its branches – and the ambience of the cafe is nice and chilled. The price and taste work against it, however.

Verdict: A bitter disappointment.
Star rating: **


This is an Irish brand that has spread across the country like a virus in recent years. It does not have the best coffee we have ever tasted but it is good and strong. We have tried Insomnia coffee in multiple branches and have found it to be remarkably consistent. The price is, however, something of concern and we reckon the coffee was just a little bit too dear.

Verdict: Nice but pricey.
Star rating: ***