Will the tendency to shop local outlast the pandemic?

We asked if people were prepared to pay more to shop local and if they would continue to

We asked if people had tried to buy Irish more frequently since the start of the pandemic and if they were prepared to pay more to do so.

Not for the first time since the start of the crisis we took to Twitter to try and gauge people’s attitude to shopping local and not for the first time the response was huge and all the indicators were pointing one way.

We asked if people had tried to buy Irish more frequently since the start of the pandemic and if they were prepared to pay more to do so. We also asked if people would continue to buy more off local producers/makers even when the crisis passes.

Here are just a fraction of the responses:

I have personally made an effort to shop in local businesses or markets even more so now then before the Covid, family businesses and home made produce will always outshine the superstores. Danny Darcy


Yes but I've found sometimes you are buying e.g, clothing online from an Irish company but it's still made in China. Tara Ní Chárthaigh

The massive companies can take the hit more so than a one man operation here. When buying local, I feel that it helps us all in the long run. Áine Donnelly

Was definitely trying before but Covid & Brexit has redoubled my efforts and will continue to do so. I think it's medium enterprises need to up their ecommerce game. Smaller businesses are fab I find & streets ahead of the next tier up in terms of delivery, response etc. Eva Gaynor

I have tried & I don't mind paying a bit more. However Irish businesses need to up their game when it comes to e-commerce. Often hard to find an item when you search. Often out of stock. People don't reply to queries. Poor experience often. Jill Holtz

There are some excellent Irish people out there going the extra mile with some lovely products. My favourite thing I will definitely keep buying is greeting cards from Irish artists and not a generic card shop but I have enjoyed shopping local in general. Aisling Coyle

Yes BUT I definitely also use it as a justification for more indulgent purchases - "I will buy 30 quids worth of cheese because it is Irish cheese and shopping local is right and proper and my PATRIOTIC DUTY" that sort of thing. Chrissie Russell

Yes, but Brexit was the trigger, pandemic reinforced it. Doubled down on local and Irish food, goodies & gifts since. Karen Daly

I have always made an effort to by local but made a bigger effort since the pandemic. I've also put a lot of time and effort into persuading family & friends to do the same. Kathya O'Neill

Supporting small local Irish business the only way. I'm conscious that not everyone can afford to do this so I regard myself as lucky that I can afford that little bit more to support the independent shops. Anne-Marie Mc Mahon

Enough money going into the pockets of already multi-billionaires. A few euro more to keep lights on in a shop and local people employed is worth so much. Brian O'Neill

I hope we've all learned a good lesson about the quality of product and craft on our doorsteps. If it was only the pandemic, it could wain but with Brexit's custom fees I think it will last. My household has certainly changed habits for good! Jamie Young

The plan is to, but I won't be taken for a mug of I'm being charged through the nose for the same product just to keep someone with a poor business plan afloat. Alan Curley

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor