Council urges Tánaiste to intervene in port dispute

Dublin City Council has called on the Tánaiste to intervene in the ongoing dispute at Marine Terminals Ltd (MTL).

Dublin City Council has called on the Tánaiste to intervene in the ongoing dispute at Marine Terminals Ltd (MTL).

The council passed an emergency motion this evening, proposed by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Emer Costello.

The dispute centres on attempts by MTL to impose mass compulsory redundancies as well as cuts in pay and conditions for staff. Over the 10 weeks, a series of protests and pickets have been held by workers, and the local community has also joined in with a "floating picket" to show support for the striking workers.

The council said it was "deeply concerned" at the lengthy dispute between Siptu and MTL, which is now in its tenth week. It said MTL had exacerbated the situation by obtaining High Court injunctions against protesters, trade union leaders and members of the local community.


"The company's refusal to engage in full industrial relations procedures has aggravated the situation and severely damaged trade in Dublin Port. We therefore call on the Dublin Port Company, as the landlord of the facility and provider of essential services, to use all of the power at its disposal to persuade MTL to engage meaningfully with the workers and SIPTU in order to bring the dispute to a satisfactory and speedy resolution.

"We further call on the Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Ms Mary Coughlin, to ensure her Department and the dispute resolution machinery of the state deploy all their resources to help achieve this objective, including ensuring that MTL complies fully with the employment law of this state."

The motion was supported by the Labour Party, Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin, along with independent councillors.

The High Court last week granted an interlocutory injunction to Dublin Port Company against the floating blockade, which blocked port traffic with five 5.2 metre boats, for a period of time the previous week.

An interim injunction preventing the unions, several of their officials and a number of former and current employees, from harassing staff was granted to MTL last week.the named defendants denied they had engaged in unlawful industrial action.