Countess of Wicklow remembered by members

MEMBERS stood in silent tribute to Eleanor, Countess of Wicklow who died recently.

MEMBERS stood in silent tribute to Eleanor, Countess of Wicklow who died recently.

Government leader in the House, Mr Maurice Manning, recalled that she had been a Labour member of the Upper Chamber from 1948 to 1951. A distinguished architect, she had spent her latter years campaigning for Moral Rearmament, he noted.

Mr David Norris (Ind) said the countess had been a writer of very fine school books for young people. Dr Mary Henry (Ind) said she had been saddened by the passing of Lady Wicklow, who had played an important part in politics in Dublin Corporation long before women were able to make a greater impact on our political life.

Mr Feargal Quinn (Ind) said the countess had added great prestige to the House.