Couple found dead in car at Co Leitrim beauty spot

Gardaí believe the couple found dead in a car in a Co Leitrim beauty spot near Glenfarne yesterday morning took their own lives…

Gardaí believe the couple found dead in a car in a Co Leitrim beauty spot near Glenfarne yesterday morning took their own lives.

Garda sources said last night that following a post-mortem carried out by the State Pathologist, Dr Marie Cassidy, they are not seeking anybody else in connection with the incident. Local sources said that a hosepipe had been found close to the car.

Gardaí confirmed late last night that the couple's identities had been established, but said they would not be naming them. One of them is believed to have been from Northern Ireland.

The bodies were found in a green Northern Ireland-registered Vauxhall Cavalier car in the woods at Glenfarne Demesne.


Local people said the couple had visited the Glenfarne area regularly.

The car was found by a farmer, Mr Terence McGovern, who was inspecting his stock.

It was parked on a public road in a remote part of the demesne - a series of woodlands and footpaths overlooking Lough McNean, close to the Fermanagh border.

Dr Cassidy carried out a post-mortem on the two bodies at Sligo General Hospital last night.

The car was taken from the scene by gardaí for forensic examination.

Supt Michael Barrett of Manorhamilton Garda station said gardaí had received reports from a local man shortly after 9 a.m. yesterday about a car parked in the woods.

They immediately went to the scene and the man and woman were pronounced dead by a local doctor a short time later.

The woods where the car was found are located about two miles from the Ballroom of Romance in Glenfarne, made famous by the writer William Trevor.

Supt Barrett said that the man found dead in the car was in his late 30s and the woman was in her early 20s.

The man was sitting in the driver's seat; the woman was on the passenger side.

First reaction from local people in the Glenfarne area was of shock.

A local Fine Gael councillor Mr Seán McDermott said people in the locality were stunned at the deaths and that the hearts of people in the community went out to the families of the couple.

The community was "dumbfounded and shocked that something like this could happen in so quiet an area".

Mr McDermott said the couple were frequent visitors to the area and that they seemed to have had a liking for the locality.