Court expected to fix date for Mackey appeal hearing

The Court of Criminal Appeal is expected to fix a date today for the hearing of an appeal by a south Dublin student against his…

The Court of Criminal Appeal is expected to fix a date today for the hearing of an appeal by a south Dublin student against his two-year sentence for violent disorder, arising from an attack outside Club Anabel in Dublin during which another student, Mr Brian Murphy, died.

Seán Mackey (23), South Park, Foxrock, Dublin, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment last March 15th after being convicted of violent disorder.

The jury failed to reach a decision on another charge against Mackey, alleging manslaughter of Mr Murphy in August 2000. The DPP has stated he will not be proceeding with a re-trial on the manslaughter count.

The appeal had been due to start in late July last but was adjourned then until the appeal court's list to fix dates.


That list will be dealt with today by Mr Justice Geoghegan.

Another man, Dermot Laide, is serving a four-year sentence for the manslaughter of Brian Murphy, who died after being kicked and beaten.

Two others also received sentences for violent disorder relating to the Club Anabel incident.