Court further remands man over Nairac death

A man has been further remanded in custody in connection with the kidnap of British Army officer Robert Nairac in Northern Ireland…

A man has been further remanded in custody in connection with the kidnap of British Army officer Robert Nairac in Northern Ireland more than 30 years ago.

Kevin Crilly (57), from Lower Foughill Road, Jonesborough, Co Armagh, denies two charges of kidnapping and falsely imprisoning Captain Nairac.

SAS-trained Capt Nairac (29), originally from Gloucestershire, was abducted by the IRA near a pub in Dromintee, Co Armagh, on May 14th, 1977. His body was never found.

He was seized during a struggle in the pub's car park, taken across the border to a field at Ravensdale, Co Louth and beaten before being shot dead. 

Mr Crilly, unemployed, from Lower Foughill Road, Jonesborough, south Armagh, returned after 27 years in the United States in 2004 and contacted the police's Historical Enquiries Team, which is investigating some 3,000 unsolved murders. His intervention followed a BBC documentary on his role.

He denies false imprisonment and kidnap but admits being in the Three Steps Inn in Dromintee, south Armagh, on the night of the abduction.

He was remanded on continuing bail today to reappear at Newry Magistrates' Court on October 1st.