Court ruling on Mulhall appeal delayed

The Court of Criminal Appeal will examine psychiatric and probation reports on Linda Mulhall before ruling on whether a 15-year…

The Court of Criminal Appeal will examine psychiatric and probation reports on Linda Mulhall before ruling on whether a 15-year sentence imposed on her for the manslaughter of her mother's boyfriend Farah Swaleh Noor was too severe.

The court said today Mr Justice Paul Carney had erred in passing sentence in December 2006 before seeing the reports.

Farah Swaleh Noor's body was cut up and dumped in the Royal Canal in Dublin, and his head has never been found.

Last December, the three-judge appeal court reserved judgment on the appeal by Mulhall, a mother of four, against the severity of the sentence imposed on her at the Central Criminal Court by Justice Carney.


The Dublin woman was found guilty in October 2006 of the manslaughter of Noor on March 20th, 2005, after a drinking session at the home of their mother, Kathleen Mulhall, in Summerhill, Dublin.

Her sister Charlotte Mulhall (25), of Kilclare Heights, Tallaght, was found guilty of Mr Noor's murder and received the mandatory life sentence.

Charlotte Mulhall is appealing against her conviction.

The Court of Criminal Appeal said it wished to see the reports before ruling on whether the 15-year sentence was too severe.