Cowen in Netherlands for EU-China meeting

The Minister for Foreign Affairs travelled to The Netherlands today for a meeting of EU and China foreign ministers.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs travelled to The Netherlands today for a meeting of EU and China foreign ministers.

Human rights issues, the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and EU-China relations were discussed at the talks.

Mr Cowen, in his capacity as President of the European Council of Foreign Ministers, met the Chinese foreign minister Mr. Li Zhaoxing.

The meeting was described as forming part of the "regular political dialogue" between China and the EU. Mr Cowen was accompanied by the EU Commissioner for External Relations, Mr Chris Patten.


"The European Union is committed to developing a strategic relationship with China and I am delighted to have had this opportunity to meet with Minister Zhaoxing," Mr Cowen said.

"There were two broad themes of discussion today, firstly EU-China relations, including human rights issues, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the forthcoming visit to Europe of Premier Wen, and secondly, international and regional issues, including non-proliferation of WMD, counter-terrorism, the Korean peninsula, Burma and ASEM [Asia-Europe Meeting].

"The meeting also provided an opportunity for exchanges ahead of the EU-China summit, which will take place in December 2004, and today's discussion has informed our approach to this meeting."