Alleged rape by employee at Kerry hospital investigated

Woman (61) claims she was assaulted as she changed back into her clothes after procedure

Gardaí in Tralee, Co Kerry are preparing a file for the Director of Public Prosecutions after the alleged rape of a woman in one of the south west’s leading private hospitals.

The rape is reported to have occurred at the Bon Secours Hospital in Tralee more than a week ago.

The woman, who is in her early 60s, claimed she was raped by a person working at the hospital who had just carried out a medical test on her. The woman told gardaí she was raped when she was changing into her clothes.

A scene at the hospital was sealed off and gardaí conducted a forensic examination. CCTV near the area, which is within the main hospital, was examined.


Hospital management did not wish to comment on Monday, but a company which supplies medical services issued a statement saying the person was their employee and was no longer working at the hospital.

“We wish to alleviate the concerns of patients and the public by making clear that the individual involved is no longer an employee,” the statement said.

Chief Superintendent Con Cadogan confirmed an investigation is being carried out. The scene and CCTV footage near the alleged crime scene was preserved and a number of witnesses have been interviewed and statements taken, he said.

Supt Cadogan has appealed to anyone with information to come forward.

He said a file would be sent to the DPP “in due course”.

The victim made an initial complaint before being examined at a specialist sexual assault unit in Cork.

She is believed to have told gardaí she gave the individual a tip of €10 and he then followed her into the changing room where he raped her.