Anglo trial: Jailed bankers to appeal convictions, sentences

Denis Casey, Willie McAteer, John Bowe were found guilty of distorting Anglo results

Denis Casey, the former head of Irish Life and Permanent (ILP), and Willie McAteer and John Bowe, both former Anglo executives, were found guilty of conspiring to make Anglo’s books look €7.2 billion healthier than they actually were. File photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

The three bankers jailed in July for their roles in distorting the financial results of the former Anglo Irish Bank are appealing both their convictions and their sentences.

Denis Casey, the former head of Irish Life and Permanent (ILP), and Willie McAteer and John Bowe, both former Anglo executives, were found guilty of conspiring to make Anglo's books look €7.2 billion healthier than they actually were.

The three were involved in a circular scheme of billion-euro transactions in which Anglo moved money to ILP and ILP sent it back to Anglo. Their trial was the longest in Irish criminal history.

Casey (56) was sentenced to two years and nine months in jail, while McAteer (65) was sentenced to 3½ years and Bowe (52) to two years.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent