Arrest follows alleged assault on girl in Killarney National Park

Gardaí looking into possibility parties are known to each other

Gardaí in Killarney were called to the scene of an alleged assault in a wooded area of Knockreer, just off the public path past a popular coffee shop opposite St Mary’s Cathedral, in what is a much frequented area of Killarney National Park.

Anne Lucey

Gardaí in Killarney have confirmed they are investigating an alleged assault on a young girl in the demesne area of Killarney National Park, a popular walking and cycling park alongside the town.

A man was arrested in relation to the alleged incident on Wednesday evening and is still being held.

Gardaí were called to the scene in a wooded area of Knockreer, just off the public path past a popular coffee shop opposite St Mary’s Cathedral, in what is a much frequented area of the park.


It is understood gardaí are looking into the possibility the parties are known to each other. The parties are not tourists.

Statements from a number of people are being taken.

The incident is alleged to have occurred between 5 and 6pm. Gardaí received a report on the matter at 7pm.

The man arrested is being detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act at Killarney Garda station.

Sgt Dermot O’Connell of Killarney gardaí confirmed an investigation is being conducted and a man is being detained for questioning.

Gardaí are not making further comment.