Cab returned over €3.8m to exchequer last year

Sum included more than €1.4m under Proceeds of Crime legislation, report says

The sum included more than €1.4 million under Proceeds of Crime legislation, €2.1 million collected under Revenue legislation and almost €300,000 recovered in Social Welfare overpayments.

The Criminal Assets Bureau (Cab) returned over €3.8 million to the exchequer last year, according to its annual report published on Tuesday.

The sum included more than €1.4 million under Proceeds of Crime legislation, €2.1 million collected under Revenue legislation and almost €300,000 recovered in Social Welfare overpayments.

It is the 21st annual report of the Bureau since its establishment in 1996.

Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan said the report also showed the Cab had brought 13 new proceeds of crime actions before the High Court.


“I also want to acknowledge the significant profile the Bureau maintains at international level with law enforcement agencies and I note in the chief bureau officer’s forwarding report that this cooperation has increased to the point where virtually every investigation currently underway has some international aspect to it,” Mr Flanagan said.

“We have seen with the enactment of the Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act 2016 that the reach of the Bureau has extended in response to the increased organised crime threat. This Government is committed to fully supporting its work.”

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times