Cannabis concealed in dried fish seized by gardaí

Woman arrested following discovery at house in Co Galway

Approximately 4.7kgs of herbal cannabis with an estimated street value of around €94,000 was seized

Cannabis with an estimated street value of about €94,000 has been seized by gardaí and customs officials after it was discovered in dried fish.

A joint operation between customs and the Garda Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau led to a search of a house in Knocknacarra, Co Galway.

Approximately 4.7kgs of herbal cannabis with an estimated street value of around €94,000 was seized. The drugs had originated in Cotonou, Benin in West Africa and were concealed in dried fish.

A 36 year old Irish woman was arrested at the scene and is being held at Galway Garda Station.


The investigation is ongoing.