Cannabis haul worth €2 million seized in Belfast

PSNI arrested two men, aged 32 and 55

Undated handout photo issued by the PSNI of cannabis worth more than £2 million which detectives have seized in Belfast. Photograph: PSNI/PA Wire

Detectives in Northern Ireland have seized cannabis worth more than £2 million (€2.2m) in Belfast.

Two men aged 32 and 55 were arrested.

Three properties in the south and east of the city were searched by PSNI officers on Wednesday.

The operation was linked to a UK Border Force interception of a £1.6 million shipment of concealed cannabis destined for Belfast in June.


A PSNI detective inspector said: “This significant haul, worth a combined total of more than £3.6 million pounds, demonstrates our commitment to removing dangerous drugs from our communities and thwarting the efforts of organised criminal gangs intent on profiting from the misery drug use causes in communities.

“Many people who spend money on a casual transaction at the weekend think that it isn’t harming anyone else; the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Not only is it illegal to purchase these drugs but it fuels the local drug trade which brings causes irreparable damage and loss to many families and individuals whose lives it destroys.” - PA