Convention submits voting report

The Convention on the Constitution has formally submitted to the Oireachtas a report that recommends the extension of voting rights in presidential elections for all citizens who are resident outside the State.

The recommendations will now be considered by Government, which must decide whether a referendum should be held on the matter. A Dáil debate on the latest report will take place next spring.

The voting rights report follows extensive efforts by the convention to reach out to diaspora groups around the world. An online questionnaire drew responses from Irish citizens based in 64 countries, from Afghanistan to Zambia, according to a statement from the convention. At the forum’s meeting in September, a ‘Global Panel Discussion’ took place across 17 time-zones, featuring representatives from Irish communities abroad via live video link-up.

"Throughout the entire process, it was clear that there is an extremely strong desire by the Irish diaspora to remain associated with their home country and to continue to play an active part of our extended society," chairman Tom Arnold said.