Court hears of repeated stabbing of woman

Judge to pass sentence on ‘frenzied attack’ by one woman on another ’

Susan McCarthy (22) said she “lost it” after claiming she heard the victim and a man arguing in an apartment on Parnell Street, in the early hours of October 25th, 2015.

A Limerick woman who repeatedly stabbed a Clare woman in the head with a broken bottle looked into her victim’s eyes and told her: “I hope you f*cking die.”

Susan McCarthy (22) said she “lost it” and attacked Leanne Delaney (21), after claiming she heard the victim and a man arguing in an apartment on Parnell Street, in the early hours of October 25th, 2015.

McCarthy had consumed a cocktail of anti-depressants and alcohol, the court heard. At 2.30am in the morning in question, McCarthy followed Ms Delaney out of the apartment block on Parnell Street, before smashing a beer bottle, and lunging at her victim with the sharp glass. After knocking Ms Delaney to the ground, McCarthy “sat on top of her” and stabbed and punched her about the head and body, said John O’Sullivan, senior State prosecuting counsel.

“It was a frenzied attack. Ms Delaney was passing in and out of consciousness,” he continued. Witnesses told gardaí they heard McCarthy shout at Ms Delaney


Repeat stabbing

“I hope you f*cking die” as she repeatedly jabbed her with the broken bottle. At one point the court heard McCarthy stepped back, leaving Ms Delaney on the ground in a pool of blood, however she returned moments later, stabbing her again and again. The court heard McCarthy also delivered several kicks to Ms Delaney as she lay unconscious on the ground.

McCarthy was still at the scene when gardaí arrived. The horrific attack was captured on a number of CCTV cameras in the area.

Ms Delaney declined to give a victim impact statement, however gardaí said the attack had been “traumatic” for the victim.

Judge Tom O’Donnell will pass sentence on Thursday.