Book of evidence served on man charged over failed murder bid

Martin Aylmer accused of involvement in plan to murder James Gately in 2017

Martin Aylmer, of Casino Park, Marino, Dublin 3 in 2018. Photograph: Collins Courts

A book of evidence has been served at the Special Criminal Court on a Dublin man who is charged with involvement in a failed bid to murder James Gately.

Martin Aylmer (35) with an address at Casino Park, Marino, Dublin 3, is charged with involvement in a plot to kill Mr Gately when he lived in Northern Ireland in 2017.

Mr Aylmer is charged with participating in the plot on dates between December 7th, 2016, and April 6th, 2017, and that he within and outside the State with knowledge of the existence of a criminal organisation and with the intention of enhancing the ability of the organisation to commit a serious offence, namely murder of James Gately, he participated in or contributed to activities in connection with the said offence.

The offence comes under section 72 1 (A) of the Criminal Justice Act 2006.


During Friday’s brief hearing, State solicitor Ciara Vibien for the Director of Public Prosecutions told the non-jury court that the book of evidence and a USB key was ready to be served on the accused man.

Mr Justice Tony Hunt, presiding at the three-judge court, remanded Mr Aylmer in custody until March 11th, when his case is listed for mention again.