Boy (16) charged with sex assault on girl in Temple Bar

Garda tells court teen told him ‘I never touched that young one’ after arrest

A teenage boy has been charged with sexually assaulting and exploiting a young girl on a lane in Dublin’s Temple Bar. The incident is alleged to have occurred at Parliament Row (pictured), an alley in Dublin’s Temple Bar on April 11th, 2015. Image: Google Streetview.

A teenage boy has been charged with sexually assaulting and exploiting a young girl on a lane in Dublin’s Temple Bar.

The boy (16) was arrested at his home in Dublin on Tuesday and taken to Pearse Street Garda station to be charged under section two of Criminal Law Rape Act and Section Three of the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998.

The incident is alleged to have occurred at Parliament Row, an alley in Dublin’s Temple Bar on April 11th, 2015.

The teenager was granted bail with strict conditions and he will face his next hearing at Dublin Children’s Court in June.


Garda Niall Murray told Judge John O’Connor that when the boy was charged with sexual assault he stated: “I never touched that young one”. He gave no reply when the the second charge was put to him.

Garda Murray said the DPP had recommended that the boy face trial on indictment, meaning the case should go to the circuit court which has tougher sentencing powers. A final decision has yet to be made on the trial venue.

‘Out of here’

Garda Murray objected to bail. He said that during the car journey from the boy’s house to Pearse Street Garda station he explained the procedures to the teen.

He said the boy replied: “I will not be in Dublin much longer, I’m going to get out of here and am never coming back, I don’t care about that court case”.

Defence solicitor Aonghus McCarthy said the boy admitted making that comment but it was done out of disrespect and bravado rather than as a genuine threat.

Garda Murray said the boy spoke slowly and calmly in a mono-toned voice when he said it but he agreed that the teen had lived all his life with his family at his current address.

Judge O’Connor granted bail but ordered the boy to surrender his passport, to obey an 11pm to 7am curfew at his home and not have any contact directly or indirectly with the girl. He also has to stay out of Dublin city-centre.

He also had his curfew hours changed after explaining to his solicitor that he goes to a sports club. The boy, who was accompanied to court by his mother, cannot be identified because he is a minor.

He has not yet formally entered a plea. Free legal aid was granted and the judge directed disclosure of prosecution evidence to the defence ahead of the next hearing which will decide the boy’s trial venue.