€20,000 for boy cut when shower door in gym shattered

Finn Daniel Ennis suffered injuries to his shoulder, shin and feet at Energie Fitness in Nutgrove

A schoolboy, who suffered multiple cuts to his body after a glass shower door shattered on him, has been awarded €20,000 damages in the Circuit Civil Court against a fitness club. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien.

A schoolboy, who suffered multiple cuts to his body after a glass shower door shattered on him, has been awarded €20,000 damages in the Circuit Civil Court against a fitness club.

Barrister Kristian Douglas told the court the incident happened in September 2014 after Finn Daniel Ennis (seven) had a swimming lesson at Energie Fitness Gym, Nutgrove, Dublin.

Mr Douglas said when Finn, who was in the shower in the gym changing room area, pushed the shower door, the glass shattered over him, cutting his shoulder, shin and feet.


Circuit Court President Mr Justice Raymond Groarke was told that Finn's mother, Sallie Ennis, of Kingston Heights, Ballinteer, Dublin, after hearing a scream and a commotion, entered the shower area and found her son bleeding profusely, with shards of glass covering his body.


Ms Ennis had taken her son into another shower cubicle to rinse away the blood and remove some of the shards. Finn was then taken to the A&E Department of Tallaght Hospital where the cuts were stitched.

The court heard Finn had a problem sleeping for several weeks following the incident.

Through his mother Finn sued Prime Fitness Ltd, which trades as Energie Fitness, for negligence.

Mr Douglas said the defendant had made a €20,000 settlement offer, which he recommended to the court.

Judge Groarke, hearing that the cuts had left scars on Finn’s right foot and ankle, approved the offer.