Convicted sex offender has suspended part of sentence activated

David Radford refused top accept accomodation from probation service

The judge said he would not release David Radford just for him to sleep rough.

A convicted sex offender has had the suspended portion of his prison sentence activated after declining emergency accommodation organised after his release from prison.

David Radford (21), formerly of Butterfield Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin, received a 3½ sentence in November 2015 at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court for sexual assault.

Radford, who was released in March of this year, had the final 12 months of his sentence suspended on condition that he comply with all directions of the probation service.

He has 15 previous convictions, three of which were for sexual assaulting women in random attacks, the earliest dating back to April 2010 when he was fourteen years old.


Last month Judge Martin Nolan heard Radford had breeched conditions of his bail. Radford had declined emergency accommodation and had been sleeping rough.

His defence counsel, Kieran Kelly BL, said Radford had received publicity in a national Sunday newspaper and had faced abuse since his release. He said Radford had been attacked on several occasions and was concerned for his safety in a hostel.

Judge Nolan said at the October hearing: "I'm not going to let Mr Radford out to live rough."

He said if Radford was not prepared to live in accommodation the probation service provided then he would have no choice but to re-activate the suspended sentence.

Judge Nolan then remanded Radford in custody for one month and said that it was Radford’s decision where he wished to reside.

On Wednesday Judge Nolan read a probation report prepared for the court and noted Radford “prefers where he is to a homeless centre.”

Judge Nolan activated the remaining 12 month suspended portion of the sentence.