Damages of €12,500 for Dunnes’ worker over olive oil slip

Bernardine Tuite (62) had swollen ankle after incident and suffers aches in cold weather

A Dunnes Stores worker who injured her ankle when she slipped and fell on olive oil while working has been awarded €12,500 damages. Photograph: iStock.

A Dunnes Stores employee who injured her ankle when she slipped and fell on olive oil while working in a Dublin outlet has been awarded €12,500 damages in the Circuit Civil Court.

Bernardine Tuite (62) told the court that on April 24th, 2014, she was going on her lunch break at Dunnes Stores, Kilnamanagh Shopping Centre when she suddenly slipped and fell.

Ms Tuite said she fell heavily and immediately felt pain in her ankle. While lying on the floor and being assisted by colleagues she noticed a four-inch spot of olive oil on the floor where she had slipped.

She told her barrister, Conor Cahill, that she later attended a VHI clinic where X-rays revealed no fracture in her ankle. It had been swollen and she had needed to keep it strapped and elevated for some time.


Ms Tuite, of Walkinstown Park, Walkinstown, said she was off work for several weeks following the incident and her ankle still ached during cold weather. She sued Dunnes for negligence.

Dunnes Stores denied liability and argued the olive oil could only have been on the floor for a very short period of time before Ms Tuite slipped on it.

Circuit Court President Mr Justice Raymond Groarke said employment law required employers to provide a safe place of work and environment to their employees.

Olive oil was a potentially dangerous hazard and therefore Dunnes Stores had a particular duty of care. He awarded Tuite €12,500 damages along with her legal costs.