Former soldier is jailed for sexually abusing three boys

Offences destroyed lives, one of the victims says in impact statement

Michael McGuinness (61), of Main Street, Borrisokane, Tipperary, pictured at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court on the day of an earlier hearing. Photograph: Collins Courts

A decorated soldier who used his position of trust to target then abuse three local boys up to 40 years ago has been jailed for two years.

Michael McGuinness (61), who served for 21 years as a driver in the army, was “trusted” in his local area when he sexually abused three young neighbours over an 11-year period, Dublin Circuit Criminal Court had been told at a previous sentence hearing.

The boys were aged between seven and 13 when the abuse occurred, while McGuinness was aged in his twenties. The three complainants waived their right to anonymity so that McGuinness can be named.

One of his victims told the sentence hearing in November that McGuinness portrayed himself as a friend when “in reality he was a predator”.


“He was seen as trusted in the area because he was in the army,” the man said in his victim impact statement.

Another man told the court he had a lifelong distrust of uniforms and those in positions of authority after he was abused by McGuinness. He said McGuinness “put the fear of God in me”.

The third complainant said McGuinness prevented him achieving his full potential as he had turned to drugs and alcohol to deal with the abuse.

“Your actions not only destroyed my life, but destroyed the lives of those around me,” he told McGuinness in his statement, which was read out in court by counsel.

McGuinness, with an address in Main Street, Borrisokane, Tipperary, pleaded guilty to five counts of indecently assaulting the three boys in Dublin and in other, unknown locations in the state between 1979 and 1990.

‘Dark dirty secret’

The court heard that after he was honourably discharged from the army in 2000, McGuinness worked as a driver for the Irish Wheelchair Association for a number of years. He was suspended when the abuse allegations came to light.

When interviewed by gardaí­ in 2019, McGuinness immediately admitted the abuse, describing what he had done in the past as his “dark dirty secret”.

“It’s haunted me all my life,” he told gardaí­, adding: “It’s not me. It doesn’t define me.”

He said he had confessed everything to his wife and adult children, who continue to support him. He has no previous convictions.

The maximum sentence for each of the counts is two years, except for the final count which took place after a change in sentencing laws. That count carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.

Sentencing McGuinness on Tuesday Judge Melanie Greally said it was evident from the victims’ statements before the court that the impact of the set of offences “had been profoundly damaging and profoundly lasting” and that the men were “very significantly influenced by this offence at such a young age”.

Judge Greally noted that a probation report before the court indicated that McGuinness was remorseful for his actions and has engaged with the relevant therapeutic interventions. The report concluded that McGuinness was at a low risk of re-offending.

Judge Greally said the abuse was humiliating and degrading and had “life changing” effects on McGuinness’s victims.

She acknowledged that McGuinness had been described as a good brother, father and grandfather and had served as a solider in the Irish Army for three tours of duty.

Judge Greally imposed consecutive sentences totalling three years. She suspended the final 12 months of the sentence on strict conditions and backdated the sentence to when McGuinness first went into custody last November.

Judge Greally thanked the injured parties for “your engagement in what was a difficult process”.